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"Satellite Transponders"
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Satellite Transponders

Author: root, 07 Sep, 2010
About the program "Satellite Transponders"
This program is a data base of all satellites in the world. It was developed by computer programmers of in order to find easily the parameters of the transponder amateur satellite antennas. The program refers to our website and can not be used for download on any other site.

Satellite Transponders Program


  • Sort by satellite

  • Search by channel name, radio name, provider name

  • Satellite Transponders Program

  • Displaying the channel name, radio station, a provider with the link to the official site, encoding display if it exists

  • Displaying the frequency, polarization, FEC and symbol rate

  • Statistics of the channel numbers, radios, transponders, etc. satellite

  • Satellite Transponders Program

  • Sort by videolink, radio, internet providers, service-data

  • Satellite Transponders Program

  • An enormous data base. More than 12,800 video channels, 3900 radio stations and 180 Internet service providers

  • Catalog "transponders" with .ini files with frequencies from the data base to scan satellite programs such as ProgDVB

System Requirements

  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

Terms of distribution

The program belongs to the website and can be used for download only here. It has a database of 28 Aug 2010. If you are interested in this product you need to download the program archive at this link.


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