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Satellite dish

Author: root, 05 Sep, 2010

What is a satellite dish?

I think that you have seen satellite dishes attached to the roofs and to the walls of the buildings. They look like it is shown in the picture on the right. The dish has an inside bended shape reminding of a converging lens but it reflects a received signal on a special device called LNB (low noise block). This LNB has an offset possition relative to the center of the dish as you can see in the picture. These dishes are called offset dishes. There are also axial-symmetric antennas. The LNB of an axial-symmetric antenna is located in the center of the dish. Satellite antennas are of different sizes, the bigger diameter of a satellite dish the better the quality of a received signal. is A satellite antenna of a bigger diameter can receive the signals from many satellites. But if you are in the broadcasting zone of the satellite you do not need a big sized antenna because a signal is strong. The satellite dish can be made of steel, aluminium or plexiglass with a metal grid inside.

Axial-symmetric antenna SD-AZ240PPS 2.4 м


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